A familiar and cherished face in Angeles City is gone. Angelito Gino-Gino, known as “Lolo Lito” to his family and fondly nicknamed “Lolo Pops” by his customers, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, June 18, at the age of 75. The news of his passing was announced by his family on his Facebook page.
For over two decades, Lolo Pops was a fixture on the streets of Angeles City. With his signature styrofoam box filled with colorful lollipops, pastillas, and polvoron, he brought a touch of sweetness and warmth to countless passersby. Generations of students from nearby universities were greeted by his friendly smile and welcoming demeanor, making him a beloved figure in the community.
Even when faced with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, which limited his usual sales due to restricted in-person classes, Lolo Pops didn’t let that stop him. He embraced the digital age and expanded his reach by setting up an online shop. His entrepreneurial spirit and dedication shone through, evident in his online store’s impressive following of over 112,300 customers.
Lolo Pops’ passing leaves a bittersweet taste in the hearts of those who knew him. He was more than just a candy vendor; he was a kind soul who brought joy and a sense of community to those around him.