Actor and entrepreneur David Licauco is gearing up to launch a new branch of his successful restaurant, Kuya Korea, at SM City Clark. Licauco shared the exciting news on Thursday via his Instagram account, posting photos that showcased the restaurant’s stylish and contemporary interior. The images also featured Licauco himself, immersed in completing the final paperwork for the new establishment. In a instagram post, he can be seen meticulously reviewing documents before breaking into a smile and announcing, “done.”
The launch of this new branch marks a significant milestone for Kuya Korea, a restaurant that has quickly gained popularity for its delicious fusion of Korean and Filipino cuisines. The sleek design of the new location promises to offer patrons a vibrant dining experience, with an ambiance that reflects both modern aesthetics and cultural flair.
Licauco’s dedication to expanding his business ventures is evident in his hands-on approach, from overseeing the restaurant’s operations to engaging with fans and customers on social media. His entrepreneurial spirit, combined with his celebrity status, has undoubtedly contributed to the growing success of Kuya Korea. As anticipation builds for the opening at SM City Clark, fans and food enthusiasts alike eagerly await the opportunity to enjoy the unique culinary offerings that Kuya Korea is known for.
The Instagram caption read, “@kuyakorea SM Clark opening in a few days,” eliciting an outpouring of congratulations from fans and followers who praised his business acumen and wished him success on his latest venture.
Kuya Korea is one of several businesses owned by the versatile actor, who also runs a cafe, a health food line, and a comfort food restaurant. These ventures highlight Licauco’s entrepreneurial spirit and ability to balance a dynamic career in entertainment with his passion for business.
As anticipation builds, fans of both Licauco and Kuya Korea are eagerly looking forward to the official opening at SM City Clark, ready to experience the restaurant’s renowned culinary offerings.
Source: GMA News